Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 2 . . . cleaning ... seriously this time

Okay friends.  It may be 5:00pm but at least it got done eventually. Granted I started @ 10am but hey. . . I did have major distractions and obligations. Little man isn't feeding himself quite yet.

I gave myself 30 minutes per room... only the downstairs.. I'm no superwoman :o)  So we are talking about family room, dining room, kitchen, foyer and hallways, and guest bathroom. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. All with little man in his Wrap Carrier! I de-cluttered. Organized. Threw a ton of junk away (yay me). I even managed to sweep. Mopping for another day, but at least I can say I didn't quit on the 2nd day... what kind of loser quits something after day 1 . . . not me ... haha

Lesson's I learned about cleaning in my quest for domesticity. Be prepared. Gather up all of your supplies ahead of time and take them with you from room to room. Give yourself 30 minutes. I don't know about you but I can do anything if I know its for a limited time. 30 minutes to me is the perfect amount of time to be productive and accomplish good stuff, but also not get irritated, bored, or distracted.

Yay for me . . . .tomorrow ... cooking .... YIKES off to go search the web for a good, yummy EASY meal that will be hard to screw up

~Accidental Baby Maker


  1. YOU HAVE BEEN BUSY. Doesn't it feel good to have things neat and clean. I love it when I get something clean.

    Have a great week.

  2. Tag! You're it! I'm your newest follower!! :-)

  3. Fun Blog! Tag! You're It!



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