Ever since little man was born I have turned into this Mama Bear. This crazy lunatic of a woman. The mom I swore I would never be. I would go to the ends of the earth to protect this little guy. Perhaps I am hovering too much, but I just can't stand his tears. Today he fell and bumped his head.... hard on tile floor. It was nothing traumatic. No blood, scars, or even a bruise. But it hurt him. I sat , waiting for his reaction. Not wanting me jumping up to sweep him into my arms to cause a reaction. I sat there, watching him feel his forehead and then start to cry. As if my heart broke into a million pieces I imagined him saying "oweee that hurt". So of course, I did what any mama bear would do. . . . I swept him up and we snuggled with our silky blankeys until nap time.
What the heck am I going to do when he gets really hurt. When there is actual blood, cuts, scrapes and bruises. Probably rush him to the nearest Emergency room.... Until then, is it wrong to wrap him in bubble wrap and not let him out of my sight????
Adios Mis Amigos,
I still have the post partum crazies and Sheldon is 21.