And today a new Attitude is exactly what I needed. Call it PMS, hormonal, or just plain cranky. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Little man was still sound asleep but I couldn't shut off my brain.
As I sat in a silent house sipping on my piping hot cup of coffee I was cranky. Toys were scattered all over the floor, the kitchen that I cleaned the night before was messy, and the floors I vacuumed had crumbs scattered all around.
It was in that moment that I felt something poke my heart. I needed to be thankful!!!
Thankful that my son is healthy and able to run around the house and make a mess.
Thankful that I am able to be home full time and have the opportunity to clean the kitchen throughout the day!!!!
Thankful that we always have food in our fridge, that our pantry is full of snacks that leave little bits and crumbs on the floor.
Clearly there are bigger problems in the world then a messy house, dirty kitchen, and crumbs on the floor.
God has blessed this family, my family, with so much. More then I could have ever asked for.
"Lord help me to never forget all that you have done. Help me to always stop and see the blessings, ignore the frustrations and most of all be Thankful in all things, for everything!"
Adios Mis Amigos,
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