Today . . . my love . . . I am thankful for you. !!! (see if he really does read this after all). This past week, September 1st, we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. 4 years really isn't all that much in the grand scheme of things. Our grandparents just celebrated 56 years (we'll be lucky to touch that) ((love you baby)) But it's amazing to think of the past four years and all that has happened. Moved to Texas, Moved 3 times in 3.5 years, Met amazing people, lost a few amazing people,made some pretty incredible memories together, got knocked up, carried the little bambino to 38 weeks, delivered the most amazing precious little boy, moved back to NJ, of course these are just the highlights. But through it all, no matter the good, bad, or ugly. He has been by my side. Making me laugh when I'm sad, making me laugh when I'm angry. Hugging me when I need it, and even when I didn't. And now for the past 22 months he has been our sole provider. 3 Months on bedrest he did everything he could to make sure that our little family was secure, and when the thought of going back to work and leaving our little guy sent me into a full blown depression, he picked up overtime and never looked back. Now for the last 19 months of little man's life he has given me the greatest priviledge of staying home full time! He works tirelessly (sometimes over 60 hour weeks), 6 days a week, making sure that this family has everything we need, and then some. I know that I rarely praise you and thank you like I should. . . but today. . . .today is your day mi amor.... I am thankful for you!!! and now it's posted on the world wide web... so whenever you are feeling ignored, underappreciated, or upset.... re-read it baby!!!! Love you. . . to the moon and back!!!!
Adios Mis Amigos,