Who are these crazy people???

THE BABY MAKER: is a 30'something Jersey Girl, who after spending 4 years in San Antonio is back in NJ, and loving every second of it. She enjoys a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter day, an icy cold coffee on the hot and humid days, anything about the beach, and a good long snuggle. She prefers bare feet or flip flops and yoga and a t-shirt over anything else. She is a sister to 9 amazing ladies (yes 9, 5 biological and 2 through marriage) who are truly her best friends. She has always loved children, and spent 10 years being a nanny to some awesome kids. She is using every second of that training to be a mama to her babies. She was married September 1, 2007 the love of her life "HUBS"

HUBS: is her "Latin lover", originally from El Salvador, He makes Ricky Ricardo a true picture in her life. His sense of humor is probably the most annoying thing about him. He lives every day to make her smile, and while it's totally cute and endearing, nothing is more irritating then a funny guy when your irately mad. He spends his days working in the financial industry and his nights and weekends being an hilarious husband and awesome Daddy. She loves him from the depths of her soul and can not imagine her life without him. They spent the first year and a half of their nuptials in wedded bliss. And then on June 25th 2009, a cloudy afternoon, they found out that it was no longer going to be 2. . .. but 3.

LITTLE MAN. He came into the world February 18, 2010 and our lives would never be the same. He is the happiest, most easy going, and brilliant child you will ever meet. (proud mama obviously). Right now he is working on tackling kindergarten and mastering MineCraft, serious obsession here! He was the love of our lives and the center of our universe for exactly four years and two days when he became a big brother!

Little Miss: Came roaring into the world February 20, 2014 (we have a thing for February babies). From her prompt arrival at exactly 5:00 PM she has been keeping us all on our toes. She is sassy, spunky, and just as brilliant as her big brother with a whole lot of firecracker underneath. (again proud mama) Right now she is working hard at keeping up with big brother and doing every. single. thing. he does. Which is tricky since she is 4 years younger! But she doesn't let that stop her!
This is my family,
they are my life,
and I'm counting my blessings,
every single one!