Make your own Laundry Detergeant . . .
Duggar Recipe
( 1 gallon at a time instead of 10 Gallons)
This project was started out of sheer necessity. . . I ran out of detergent.. like not even a drop left in the container. . . . now seemed like as good a time as any to start making our own detergent.... after doing some research on recipes I realized that it's kind of CRAZY that it's taken me this long to do.
Do you need some reasons to start making your own . . . .
Super Economical!!!! The initial cost to get started will be more ($10.00) but once you get all of your supplies it costs about $2.00 per gallon to make. You use 1/4 cup per load; that gives you 64 loads of laundry per gallon, making each load costing only $.03. . . yes 3 cents!
You know what's going into it , I like knowing what's in things. After reading the label to our store bought detergent I was kind of shocked at some of it.
Now I know what it is . . . a lot less chemicals . . . both the borax and washing soda are great for sensitive skins . . .and depending on which type of laundry soap you use, you can cut out even more unnecessary chemicals
You can customize the recipe to fit your family . . . have a rowdy bunch of sports playing boys . . . add 1/2 cup Oxy Clean to the Mixture . . . have someone with super sensitive skin, you can use Nels Naptha soap, or even super sensitive Ivory..... have a favorite scent, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the softener compartment and your clothes come out smelling fantastic!!!
best yet, if you hate it . . . you've only made 1 gallon instead of 10 :o) But I am sure you'll love it!!!!
Convinced ???? great lets get started
You'll need
Borax (20 mule team, found it in K-Mart, Acme, ShopRite and Walmart in the Laundry Department)
Best price was Walmart $4.97 for 76 ounces
Washing Soda (this was harder to track down, only Walmart had it in their laundry department)
Best and only price, Walmart for $3.47 for 55 ounces
((side note it has to be washing soda not baking soda))(((you can convert baking soda to washing soda, I tried but it didn't work after 3 hours of messing around with it, I gave up and headed to walmart where I was able to find the Washing Soda)))
1 Bar Laundry soap (I used Zote, many use Fels Naptha, Ivory)
All prices were about $1.50-$2.00 for 5-15 ounces (zote is 15oz Fels Naptha only 5.5oz)
Stainless steel grater or cut soap into itty bitty tiny pieces
Gallon Container
Big Stock Pot
4 Tablespoons Washing Soda
2 Tablespoons Borax
1/5 bar of soap
Water :o)
1. Cut soap into 5 equal parts . . . doesn't matter what kind of soap your using, you only need 1/5 the bar ... store the other 4/5ths in a sandwich bag for next time
2. Grate/shred/dice the soap into tiny pieces. I don't have a grater so I diced it but a grater would make this go much more quickly.
3. Start 4 cups water on medium low heat and add the diced/grated soap to the pot
4. Stir continuously until all the soap is melted and dissolved
5. Remove from heat and add in your Washing Soda and Borax
6. Stir until all the powder is dissolved.
7. Now fill your gallon container about 1/2 full with luke-warm water and using your funnel add your detergent to the gallon container.
8. Top off the container with water and allow to sit over night.
9. Your mixture will seperate (the soap will rise and water will sink)
Just give it a good shake before each use.
10. Use 1/4 cup per load (for front washer) 1/2 cup ( for top loading)
That's it . . . for about 30 minutes of time you've saved your self some major $$$$$ .... GOOD JOB!!!!
Adios Mis Amigos,