After 6 months of living in a condo with borrowed furniture and belongings we will finally have our own stuff! My lovely sofa, the dining room table I love. All of my family pictures and paintings. I am so excited to stop feeling like we are squatting in our landlord's property and make this place our HOME.
To say I have been obsessed with how I'm going to decorate is a massive understatement! I have been designing and redesigning. I created our floor plan online and have arranged our furniture in every position imaginable. I can not wait!
Part of all of this has led me to working on some prints I have wanted to get done . . . random quotes, songs, ect that I will be putting up in the frames that are coming ;o)

This is the song I sing to Little Man each and every night . . . the first verse is the well known "you are my susnhine" except I changed the last line because "please don't take my sunshine away" sounded to sad as I was singing it to my 3 day old new born baby.... "my love won't ever go away" made my crazy postpartum self feel much better. :o)

While in my sleep deprived dementia I made up a whole second verse and it stuck ! So that will be in a 2nd frame both centered above the rocking chair in little mans room.
I have had this idea in my head for almost a year, was going to get it printed for my husband for our 4 year anniversary. We are celebrating our 5th anniversary on the 1st of September. So I cam going to copy this over in a large scale print for above our bed
I am printing both of these on canvases to put at his eye level . . .
hoping it will help us BOTH to nail down our morning and bedtime routines

I am so happy to be able to finally feel like our house is our home, at least for the next year and half :o) There is just something about having sentimental things hung on the walls that make any 4 walls feel like love.
Adios Mis Amigos,