Happy Wednesday . . . .
Today's Wordless Wednesday is not so wordless cause I'm uploading the party decorations along with a how to. . .. but alas.... so it goes :o)
Little man is turning TWO this weekend and we are having a Pirate Elmo Birthday...
I know random right.
But the kid is in love with Sesame Street and Pirates... so ...
Pirate Elmo it is :o)
While trying to come up with some fun and fugal party ideas I hit up my favorite party supply place... THE DOLLAR STORE !!!!
We did Yellow and Red plates, cups, napkins along with streamers, balloons all for a dollar... you just can't beat that!!!!
My favorite part of the whole day is our Sesame Street Tissue Paper Characters...
I'm planning on hanging them in his room after the party...
and for what they cost, even if they only make it through the day ... I'll be happy.
They had 25 sheets of tissue paper for .... yup $1.00
I got two just to be safe.... so $2.00 and we were out the door...
Supplies You'll need.....
Tissue Paper (red, yellow, blue, green)
Yarn or string
white printer paper
Markers or crayons
I started with Elmo but all are made the exact same way.
(for Elmo and Cookie Monster I used 8 sheets of tissue paper,
for Bird and Oscar I only used 4, I'd say use at least 8 so that they are nice and fluffy)
1. I gathered up all of the red tissue and made sure it was all neatly stacked.
2. Make sure all of your edges line up and then begin to fold it accordion style.
3. Then I folded it in half to see where the middle would be and tied yarn tightly around the stacked tissue.
4. I then cut each end to be rounded.
(Big Birds I cut to a point and Oscar's and Cookie Monster's I left straight.)
5. Then you just start to pull apart the layers.
6. once it was all opened up they look like giant puffy balls.
I hung them so I could see how they looked. They were pretty great. but some needed to be a little extra fluffed. You wanna make sure they are puffed and even now, or it's harder once you tape on the faces.
7. Next your just going to draw out the eyes, noses, and mouths.
(some people are asking for a pattern to print... I'll work on it)
8. Color them in and Cut them out and I used double sided tape to attach them to the tissue paper.