Friday, October 26, 2012

Finding my way Friday ..... Week 1 Down

Week one down in my 30 till 30 and I have to say I was surprised at how much better I felt after making a few simple changes . . . . some went well.... some ..... are still works in progress.... but isn't life a journey :o)

 Got dressed and did my make up every day ... even on the weekend and days when we had no where to go... I have to say I was more productive... and just felt better about myself in general. Showered every single day... (((mom's you know how hard this is some days!!!)))) I set aside some time to myself every day, whether it was pinterest time, window shopping, or actually watching "mommy's shows" .... I felt like I was taking care of myself for a change!

I tried to make healthy choices, some days better then others, you know every once in a while you just gotta have something yummy!!! Stuck to my two cups of coffee each day and one diet coke. And almost made it a whole week with no food after 7:30.... I worked late, hubs worked late and so dinner was later then usual, but that one was kind of out of my control :o)

I pray that this habits stick and that this is a new daily choice for me . . . this next week I am really focusing in on healthy choices, getting moving and spending quality time with little man, cutting out electronic usage BIG TIME!!!!

Let's see where it takes us......

Adios Mis Amigos,

Friday, October 19, 2012

Finding My Way Friday

(((In an effort to make this blog a true reflection of myself 
I have taken some time away. 
I feel like I got so caught up in writing every day 
that my content and words were forced and empty. 
So, this is the new Accidental Baby Maker . . .
 real, authentic, and ME!!!!)))

Every Friday I will be posting my "30 till 30" list! 
I will be turning 30 years old on November 19th, exactly one month from today . 
There are many things in this life I am living that are not what I want them to be, 
but more importantly not how I feel that GOD wants me living. 
So between now and my birthday I have set some goals.
 Personal, Mommy, Marriage, and Home 
Goals I feel are worthy of my time and attention. 
I have exactly one month to start on some habits and life choices 
that have been nagging me for a while now :o)

Hope you'll join me on this adventure.

The first group is personal goals, (top left corner) 
some may sound silly but any mama can tell you 
that some days "getting dressed" is just not happening. 
Especially if your staying home with your little ones, 
who needs make up to color and play with playdough. 
But I have found that when I take the time to get dressed and do my make up 
I just feel better, more productive and like a real person :o)  
As for showering more, yeah working on that! 

Make 1 hour of ME time. I wrote this and then deleted it about 5 times
 afraid it would make me sound like a bad mother or person. 
Are there other things I could be doing with that precious hour of time every day
It's so easy to get caught up in cleaning, cooking, caring for toddlers 
that come the end of the day  I'm flustered and exhausted.
Whether it be taking a nice quiet and relaxing bubble bath, 
sitting and reading my favorite magazines, 
painting my fingers and toes, 
or spending an hour window shopping online. . .
If I am going to devote every other minute of my wake time 
being focused on my son, my husband and my home, 
I need this time to my self to recharge. 

I started on my list on Monday and I've got to say, so far so good.

Any milestones coming up in your life?

Adios Mis Amigos,