Got dressed and did my make up every day ... even on the weekend and days when we had no where to go... I have to say I was more productive... and just felt better about myself in general. Showered every single day... (((mom's you know how hard this is some days!!!)))) I set aside some time to myself every day, whether it was pinterest time, window shopping, or actually watching "mommy's shows" .... I felt like I was taking care of myself for a change!
I tried to make healthy choices, some days better then others, you know every once in a while you just gotta have something yummy!!! Stuck to my two cups of coffee each day and one diet coke. And almost made it a whole week with no food after 7:30.... I worked late, hubs worked late and so dinner was later then usual, but that one was kind of out of my control :o)
I pray that this habits stick and that this is a new daily choice for me . . . this next week I am really focusing in on healthy choices, getting moving and spending quality time with little man, cutting out electronic usage BIG TIME!!!!
Let's see where it takes us......
Adios Mis Amigos,