Fridays are one of the two days each week that I watch a friend's little girl.
She is 4 months older then Little Man... but still two year's old... so Fridays means two-two year olds.
Fun right!?!??!
We do have fun, it's fun watching little man interact with someone his own age.
They play well together. Like any friends we have our scuffles. But for the most part we are able to talk it through and work it out.
One thing that both of them LOVE is arts and crafts. We color, glue, stick with stickers. But it can get expensive.
I used to browse Target and Walmart for deals on coloring books, stickers, and crayons and markers. Sometimes I would get lucky and they would have some arts and crafts items in the dollar section but not always. I got some pretty awesome deals after the back to school season passed and everything was put into clearance sections. But it was still more the I wanted to spend.
Then I happened to be in the local Dollar store. One of the one's where "everything is really a dollar store". Not some of those fake dollar stores that have stuff for $5.00/ $10.00/ and even $15.00. Every. Single. Thing was $1.00!
And they have a whole teacher supply section. Full of Stickers, Markers, Crayons, and some great charts and posters too! I will never go back to my old ways of buying arts and crafts supplies!
Little man can't tell the difference between $3.00 crayons and $1.00 crayons. He colors, breaks a few into pieces and moves on to the next activity.Their Stickers are the teach stickers ... so they say "great job" "well done" but he loves them.And double bonus, we are using them on our potty chart every time he is successful :o) And their coloring books are all characters he knows, Sesame Street, Winnie the Pooh, and we even snagged some Dora and Diego.
So . . . that my friends, is how this girl is saving her pennies!
Adios Mis Amigos,