Freaking Friday came about when I just needed a sounding board to vent my week full of frustrations, failures, triumphs, and insecurities..... nothing about being an accidental baby maker is easy... and let me tell you folks.... some days it's just down right scary! But the great thing about freaking friday.... is that you have two whole days to recover before it starts all over again ....... so without further adoooooo
Freaking Friday, Ohh how I love you, normally I wait with baited breath for your arrival..... but for the first time in almost 4 months.... I didn't get my booty kicked this week. It was relatively uneventful ***knock on wood***.Little man decided to nap for the last two days and I'm feeling as good as I've felt in months. Finally managed to put on some make-up the other day and noticed that the dark circles under my eyes are gone ... hoooooray !!! I feel like we are finally getting into the swing of things.... little man has taught me so much about what it means to be a mom.... and so today.... freaking friday... I salute you... I welcome you into my day... and say.... yippeee we made it through another week!!!!
I'd say that my friends is one successful freaking Friday!!!!
On a side note and totally unrelated to anything about freaking Friday.... Wednesday night I got this crazy idea that I would trim my hair... nothing major.... we are talking about just snipping enough to take off the dead ends..... my hair WAS just below my shoulders and now its just below my ears.... yeah... so much for a trim.... the mama-in-law helped me get it evened out today .... one side was definitely shorter then the other .... and then this evening I chopped in some whispy layers.... and if I do say so myself.. which I do..... it doesn't look too stinkin' bad..... pictures to come because I can't handle not documenting the first time I managed to not totally skrew up my hair.. but tonight is not the night... I want to blow dry and see first if it really is as awesome as it appears :o)
Adios Mis Amigos,
All hail Freaking Friday!!!!